Tag Archive for: Indigenous Knowledge

Supporting Inuvialuit Food Sovereignty: Characterizing Culture-Centered Dietary Messages for Healthy, Safe and Culturally Appropriate Diets in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Northwest Territories.


First Nation observations and perspectives on the changing climate in Ontario’s Northern Boreal: forming bridges across the disappearing “Blue-Ice” (Kah-Oh-Shah-Whah-Skoh Siig Mii-Koom).


Global Narratives and the Vulnerable Frontiers: A critical assessment of global climate change communication processes and traditional retentions.


Examining the potential of Inuit art and artistic processes to facilitate knowledge system bridging about environmental change


Collaboration, Knowledge-Sharing and Natural Hazard Risk Management in the Greater Pinery Provincial Park Region.


“We are the land, and the land is us”: Connecting Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change in the Canadian Prairies.


Essential components and pathways for developing Indigenous community‐based monitoring: Examples from the Canadian oil sands region


Nindokiikayencikewin: to Seek Learning or Knowledges. Indigenous Knowledges & Data Governance Protocol

Practice Guide

Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS)

Web Page